Benefits Enrollment Center
Please contact either Erin Bradley or Tammy Peña for additional questions.
SNAP (food insecurity)
Enrollment Open Year Round
The Massachusetts Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) a program of the Department of Transition Assistance (DTA) helps you and your family buy food. Using the EBT Card, used just like a credit/debit card, you can buy from most grocery stores, corner markets, certain senior centers, and some meal delivery services such as Meals on Wheels.
The Healthy Incentives Program (HIP) helps SNAP clients buy more fruits and vegetables for their household at participating local markets. SNAP clients will receive $1 back on their EBT card for each dollar spent on eligible fruits and vegetables, up to a monthly limit. Our HIP retailers include approved farmers markets, farm stands, mobile markets, and community supported agriculture (CSA) farm share programs.
Click here for a list of participating markets and find one near you!
Click here for a list of required paperwork for enrollment in SNAP benefits.
Enrollment Open Year Round
MassHealth offers different types of coverage based on whether you or a family member are:
Retired or not working
65 years of age or older and need personal-care-attendant services in order to live at home, or
65 years of age or older and are disabled and are either working 40 or more hours a month, or are currently working and have worked at least 240 hours in the 6 months immediately before the month of the application, or
Living at home and you do not need long-term care
Living at home and you need long-term services and support under a Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver, or
In or waiting to go into a long-term care facility
Click here for a list of required paperwork to enroll in MassHealth.
Prescription Advantage
Prescription Advantage is a state-sponsored prescription drug program administered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs for seniors and people with disabilities.
Prescription Advantage is available to Massachusetts residents who are:
Age 65 or older, eligible for Medicare, and have a gross annual household income less than 500% of the Federal Poverty Level, or
65 years of age or older and not eligible for Medicare, or
Not MassHealth or CommonHealth members
Prescription Advantage supplements prescription drug benefits by helping to pay for medications covered by Medicare Part D or creditable coverage plans. Membership category determines when Prescription Advantage benefits begin. At that time, members pay no more than Prescription Advantage co-payment amounts.
Prescription Advantage may be able to provide primary coverage to Massachusetts residents who are not eligible for Medicare.
Click here for a list of required paperwork for Prescription Advantage.
Medicare Savings Programs
Get help paying your Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance) premiums through a Medicare Savings Program. Apply for Medicare Savings Programs through ESAC Boston. When you apply, the state determines which program(s) you qualify for. Even if you don’t think you qualify, you should still apply.
If you are a Massachusetts resident on Medicare with limited income and assets, you may qualify for help paying your Medicare costs. MassHealth offers Medicare Savings Programs, also known as MassHealth Buy-In (MHBI) to help with these costs.
A Medicare Savings Program can help pay some out-of-pocket costs, including:
Your monthly Medicare Part B premium;
Prescription drug costs through the Part D Extra Help program, which you automatically qualify for with a Medicare Savings Program;
In certain cases, your out-of-pocket Part A and Part B costs, such as coinsurance and deductibles; and
In certain cases, your Part A premium, if you have one
Click here for a list of required paperwork needed for Medicare Savings Program enrollment.
LIHEAP - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program can help you pay your winter heating bills. If you're eligible, they'll make payments directly to your utility company.
This program runs from November 1 - April 30.
To be eligible, income must be at or below 60% of State Median Income.
Please submit a Referral Form to receive more information and assistance with eligibility requirements.
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